Planification des voyages à Los Angeles (Dialog) Travel planning to Los Angeles [Show] Le rendez-vous urgent (Dialog) The urgent appointment [Show] Souriez, s'il vous plaît ! (Dialog) Please smile! [Show] L'éclipse solaire (Dialog) The solar eclipse [Show] Le Loup des Mers (Dialog) The Seawolf [Show] Au marché (Dialog) At the market [Show] La boisson délicieuse (Dialog) The delicious drink [Show] Nourriture grecque (Dialog) Greek food [Show] Plus on est de fous, plus on rit (Dialog) The more the merrier [Show] La séparation (Dialog) The split-up [Show] Bourde médicale (Other Texts) Medical blunder [Show] Le fromage qui sent mauvais (Dialog) The smelly cheese [Show] Les chats et les lis (Dialog) Cats and lilies [Show] Des vacances géniales (Dialog) A great holiday [Show] Le tatouage (Dialog) The tattoo [Show] La thrombose (Dialog) The thrombosis [Show] Achète-lui des fleurs (Dialog) Buy her flowers [Show] Chez le coiffeur (Dialog) At the hairdresser [Show] Comment t'appelles-tu ? (Dialog) What is your name? [Show] L'amie mélodramatique (Dialog) The melodramatic friend [Show] Encore 3 kilogrammes (Joke) 3 more kilograms [Show] La nièce (Dialog) The niece [Show] Le temps passe vite ! (Dialog) Time flies! [Show] Des jeux vidéo violents (Dialog) Violent computer games [Show] Es-tu sur Facebook ? (Dialog) Are you on Facebook? [Show] Honnêteté (Joke) Honesty [Show] Le nouveau restaurant italien (Dialog) The New Italian Restaurant [Show] A la banque (Dialog) At the bank [Show] Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça dans ma pizza ? (Dialog) What's that in my pizza? [Show] Les hommes âgés sont têtus (Dialog) Old men are stubborn [Show] Au match de foot (Dialog) At the football match [Show] Prendre un taxi (Dialog) Taking a taxi [Show] Commander à manger dans un restaurant (Dialog) Ordering food in a restaurant [Show] Le professeur de psychologie (Joke) The psychology instructor [Show] Trois vieilles dames (Joke) Three old ladies [Show] Le nouveau film (Dialog) The new movie [Show] Jeux vidéo (Dialog) Computer games [Show] Réservation de billet (Dialog) Ticket Reservation [Show] La bénévole (Dialog) The volunteer worker [Show] Problèmes d'estomac (Dialog) Stomach problems [Show] |