Reiseplanung nach Los Angeles (Dialog) Travel planning to Los Angeles [Show] Acht gesunde Tees und ihre Vorteile (Other Texts) Eight healthy teas and their benefits [Show] Mundatmung (Other Texts) Mouth breathing [Show] Was ist ein Tempomat? (Other Texts) What is cruise control? [Show] Das Deutschlandlied (Other Texts) The German national anthem [Show] Treffen sich zwei Planeten (Joke) Two planets meet [Show] Der dringende Termin (Dialog) The urgent appointment [Show] Bitte lächeln! (Dialog) Please smile! [Show] Die Sonnenfinsternis (Dialog) The solar eclipse [Show] Das leckere Getränk (Dialog) The delicious drink [Show] Auf dem Markt (Dialog) At the market [Show] Griechisches Essen (Dialog) Greek food [Show] Je mehr, desto besser (Dialog) The more the merrier [Show] Die Trennung (Dialog) The split-up [Show] Der stinkende Käse (Dialog) The smelly cheese [Show] Ärztepfusch (Other Texts) Medical blunder [Show] Ein toller Urlaub (Dialog) A great holiday [Show] Die Thrombose (Dialog) The thrombosis [Show] Die Tätowierung (Dialog) The tattoo [Show] Beim Frisör (Dialog) At the hairdresser [Show] Kauf ihr Blumen (Dialog) Buy her flowers [Show] Wie heißt du? (Dialog) What is your name? [Show] Noch 3 Kilos (Joke) 3 more kilograms [Show] Die melodramatische Freundin (Dialog) The melodramatic friend [Show] Meine Nichte (Dialog) My niece [Show] Wie die Zeit vergeht! (Dialog) Time flies! [Show] Drei Logiker (Joke) Three logicians [Show] Brutale Computerspiele (Dialog) Violent computer games [Show] Ehrlichkeit (Joke) Honesty [Show] Bist du auf Facebook? (Dialog) Are you on Facebook? [Show] Das neue italienische Restaurant (Dialog) The New Italian Restaurant [Show] Alte Männer sind stur (Dialog) Old men are stubborn [Show] Was ist das in meiner Pizza? (Dialog) What's that in my pizza? [Show] Essen in einem Restaurant bestellen (Dialog) Ordering food in a restaurant [Show] Computerspiele (Dialog) Computer games [Show] Die Knöchelverletzung (Dialog) The ankle injury [Show] Das Vorstellungsgespräch (Dialog) The job Interview [Show] Ein Leben in Portugal (Dialog) A life in Portugal [Show] Die neue Kaffeemaschine (Dialog) The new coffee machine [Show] Die Kochkunst (Dialog) The art of cooking [Show] |