Planificación de viajes a Los Ángeles (Dialog) Travel planning to Los Angeles [Show] La mudanza a las Bermudas (Dialog) Move to the Bermudas [Show] La aleatoriedad de la vida (Dialog) The randomness of life [Show] El nuevo pasatiempo (Dialog) The new hobby [Show] El agente de policía (Dialog) The police officer [Show] La lesión en el tobillo (Dialog) The ankle injury [Show] La vida en Portugal (Dialog) A life in Portugal [Show] La cita urgente (Dialog) The urgent appointment [Show] La entrevista de trabajo (Dialog) The job interview [Show] Diabetes (Dialog) Diabetes [Show] Juegos de ordenador (Dialog) Computer games [Show] 10 cosas que te harán más feliz (Other Texts) 10 things that make you happier [Show] El arte de la cocina (Dialog) The art of cooking [Show] Los hombres mayores son obstinados (Dialog) Old men are stubborn [Show] El tatuaje (Dialog) The tattoo [Show] El viaje a París (Dialog) The trip to Paris [Show] La trombosis (Dialog) The thrombosis [Show] ¿Qué hay en mi pizza? (Dialog) What's that in my pizza? [Show] Videojuegos violentos (Dialog) Violent computer games [Show] Error médico (Other Texts) Medical blunder [Show] La fiesta de cumpleaños (Dialog) The birthday party [Show] Comida jamaicana (Dialog) Jamaican food [Show] ¡Sonríe, por favor! (Dialog) Please smile! [Show] Bádminton (Dialog) Badminton [Show] Pidiendo comida en un restaurante (Dialog) Ordering food in a restaurant [Show] Cómprale flores (Dialog) Buy her flowers [Show] Música clásica (Dialog) Classical Music [Show] El nuevo restaurante italiano (Dialog) The New Italian Restaurant [Show] ¿Estás en Facebook? (Dialog) Are you on Facebook? [Show] Honestidad (Joke) Honesty [Show] La sobrina (Dialog) The niece [Show] La amiga melodramática (Dialog) The melodramatic friend [Show] 3 kilos más (Joke) 3 more kilograms [Show] ¿Cómo te llamas? (Dialog) What is your name? [Show] En la peluquería (Dialog) At the hairdresser [Show] Unas vacaciones geniales (Dialog) A great holiday [Show] Gatos y lirios (Dialog) Cats and lilies [Show] El queso oloroso (Dialog) The smelly cheese [Show] La separación (Dialog) The split-up [Show] La separación (Dialog) The split-up [Show] |