警察官 (Dialog) The police officer [Show] 別れ (Dialog) The split-up [Show] 医療過誤 (Other Texts) Medical blunder [Show] くさいチーズ (Dialog) The smelly cheese [Show] 血栓症 (Dialog) The thrombosis [Show] ネコとユリ (Dialog) Cats and lilies [Show] 就職面接 (Dialog) The job interview [Show] コンピュータ・ゲーム (Dialog) Computer games [Show] 足首のケガ (Dialog) The ankle injury [Show] 美容院で (Dialog) At the hairdresser [Show] 大げさな友達 (Dialog) The melodramatic friend [Show] もう3キロ (Joke) 3 more kilograms [Show] お名前は? (Dialog) What is your name? [Show] 姪 (Dialog) The niece [Show] 時が経つのは早い! (Dialog) Time flies! [Show] ピザの中のこれは一体何? (Dialog) What's that in my pizza? [Show] 老人は頑固 (Dialog) Old men are stubborn [Show] 正直 (Joke) Honesty [Show] 新しいイタリア料理店 (Dialog) The New Italian Restaurant [Show] ポルトガルでの生活 (Dialog) A life in Portugal [Show] パリへの旅行 (Dialog) The trip to Paris [Show] もっと幸せになる10の方法 (Other Texts) 10 things that make you happier [Show] 糖尿病 (Dialog) Diabetes [Show] バドミントン (Dialog) Badminton [Show] 新しい趣味 (Dialog) The new hobby [Show] 誕生日パーティー (Dialog) The birthday party [Show] 寿司 (Dialog) Sushi [Show] 親友 (Dialog) The best friend [Show] カエルと霊能者 (Joke) The frog and the psychic [Show] いびきをかくお尻 (Joke) The snoring butt [Show] ペパーミント・ティー (Dialog) Peppermint tea [Show] エディー・マーフィー (Dialog) Eddie Murphy [Show] 親知らず (Dialog) Wisdom Teeth [Show] 砂糖は良くない (Dialog) Sugar is evil [Show] アパートを探す (Dialog) Looking for a flat [Show] 体中の痛み (Joke) It hurts everywhere [Show] 無神論者 (Joke) The atheist [Show] 別れ (Dialog) Breaking Up [Show] カエル捕り (Dialog) Frog hunting [Show] 毎年彼は気がおかしくなる (Joke) Every year he goes mad [Show] |