The new hobby
寛子は両親を訪ねている。Hiroko visits her parents.
寛子:お母さん! 元気?Hiroko: Hi Mom! How are you?
寛子の母:元気よ。背中の痛み以外わね。Hiroko's mother: I'm OK. Apart from the back pains.
寛子:お父さんはどう? 引退後の生活を楽しんでる?Hiroko: How is Dad? Enjoying his retirement?
寛子の母:うん、お父さんも元気よ。ユーチューブで料理のビデオをいっぱい見つけて以来、四六時中いろんなレシピに挑戦してるわ。Hiroko's mother: He's fine. Since he's found out that there are many cooking videos on YouTube he's been trying out recipes all the time.
寛子:え、それってすごくいいことじゃない!Hiroko: I think it's great!
寛子の母:うーん…場合によるんだけどね。時々、まずくてとても食べられないようなものを作るから。Hiroko's mother: Well... depends. Sometimes his dishes are hardly edible!
寛子:アハハ。お父さん、今キッチンにいるの?Hiroko: Haha. Is he in the kitchen now?
寛子の母:うん、そうよ。Hiroko's mother: Yes.
寛子はキッチンに入る。Hiroko goes into the kitchen.
寛子:お父さん!Hiroko: Hi Dad!
寛子の父:おや、寛子!Hiroko's father: Hi, Hiroko!
寛子:何作ってるの?Hiroko: What are you cooking?
寛子の父:「カルゾーネ」っていうイタリア料理だよ。Hiroko's dad: An Italian dish called "Calzone".
寛子:それ、どういう料理?Hiroko: What is that?
寛子の父:要するに、折りたたんだピザのようなものだよ。Hiroko's father: Basically a folded pizza.
寛子:なるほどね。Hiroko: I see.
寛子の父:テーブルに食器を準備してくれるかい?Hiroko's father: Can you set the table please?
寛子はテーブルに食器を並べ、その後、両親と一緒に食事をする。Hiroko sets the table and afterwards eats together with her parents.
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