Die Kreuzfahrt (Dialog) The cruise [Show] Vor Gericht (Joke) At court [Show] Der wichtige Telefonanruf (Dialog) The important telephone call [Show] Magenprobleme (Dialog) Stomach problems [Show] Barcelona (Dialog) Barcelona [Show] Das Geheimnis eines langen Lebens (Joke) The secret to a long life [Show] Auf einer Party (Dialog) At a party [Show] Der ehrenamtliche Arbeiter (Dialog) The volunteer worker [Show] Reservierung eines Flugtickets (Dialog) Ticket Reservation [Show] Kambodscha (Dialog) Cambodia [Show] Facebook (Dialog) Facebook [Show] Schwimmen (Dialog) Swimming [Show] Die neue Frisur (Dialog) The new haircut [Show] Sich vorstellen (Dialog) Introduction [Show] Der neue Film (Dialog) The new movie [Show] Drei alte Damen (Joke) Three old ladies [Show] Mehr Schnee (Joke) More snow [Show] Nur noch ein paar Seiten (Dialog) Just a few pages left [Show] Im Hotel einchecken (Dialog) Checking in at the hotel [Show] Auf dem Jahrmarkt (Dialog) At the funfair [Show] Die Psychologie Dozentin (Joke) The psychology tutor [Show] Meine Frau glaubt sie ist ein Huhn (Joke) My wife thinks she is a chicken [Show] Ein Taxi nehmen (Dialog) Taking a taxi [Show] Der Arztbesuch (Dialog) A visit to the doctor's [Show] Die gute Ehefrau (Joke) The good wife [Show] Die neue Klasse (Joke) The new class [Show] Der rote Schal (Dialog) The red scarf [Show] Fühlst du dich besser? (Dialog) Are you feeling better? [Show] Eine große Entscheidung (Joke) A Big Decision [Show] Nichts zu danken! (Joke) No need to thank! [Show] Einchecken (Dialog) Checking in [Show] Peter und der Barkeeper (Joke) Peter and the bartender [Show] Beim Fußballspiel (Dialog) At the football match [Show] In der Bank (Dialog) At the bank [Show] Ich bin eine Glühbirne (Joke) I'm a light bulb [Show] Muffin (Joke) Muffin [Show] Ein Witz (Joke) A joke [Show] Zwei Engel (Joke) Two angels [Show] Der hungrige Bär (Joke) The hungry bear [Show] Golf (Joke) Golf [Show] |