Le dîner (Dialog) At a dinner party [Show] Un sandwich au thon (Dialog) Tuna Sandwich [Show] Le grand incendie de Londres (Dialog) The Great Fire of London [Show] La croisière (Dialog) The cruise [Show] La nouvelle coupe de cheveux (Dialog) The new haircut [Show] Présentation (Dialog) Introduction [Show] Natation (Dialog) Swimming [Show] Le secret d'une longue vie (Joke) The secret to a long life [Show] Il y a une femme malade au-dessus (Joke) There is a sick lady upstairs [Show] Quelques pages (Dialog) Just a few pages left [Show] Encore plus de neige (Joke) More snow [Show] L'enregistrement (Dialog) Checking in [Show] Deux muffins (Joke) Two muffins [Show] Ma femme se prend pour une poule (Joke) My wife thinks she is a chicken [Show] La bonne épouse (Joke) The good wife [Show] Un pique-nique (Dialog) A picnic [Show] Enregistrement à l'hôtel (Dialog) Checking in at the hotel [Show] La nouvelle classe (Joke) The new class [Show] Est-ce que tu vas mieux ? (Dialog) Are you feeling better? [Show] L'écharpe rouge (Dialog) The red scarf [Show] Pas besoin de remercier ! (Joke) No need to thank! [Show] Jack et le barman (Joke) Jack and the bartender [Show] L'ampoule (Joke) I'm a light bulb [Show] Deux Anglais (Joke) Two Englishmen [Show] La grande décision (Joke) A Big Decision [Show] L'ours (Joke) The bear [Show] Les anges (Joke) The angels [Show] |