In the UK, fox hunting was banned in 2004.
Italian Translation:Nel Regno Unito la caccia alla volpe è stata vietata nel 2004.
Listen to Italian Sentence:nel in the [Show Details] |
Regno Unito m. United Kingdom, UK [Show Details] |
la 1. the (feminine singular) 2. her (direct object pronoun) 3. you (formal) Here: the (feminine singular) [Show Details] |
caccia f. hunting [Show Details] |
alla at the, to the (feminine singular) [Show Details] |
volpe f. (Pl: volpi) fox [Show Details] |
è 1. is 2. (you) are (formal) Here: is [Show Details] |
stare to stay, to be [Show Details] |
vietato (Pl: vietati, Fem: vietata, Pl Fem: vietate) forbidden, prohibited, banned [Show Details] |
nel in the [Show Details] |
duemilaquattro two thousand and four, 2004 [Show Details] |
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