I read in the newspaper that the poverty rate in the United States has risen.
Italian Translation:Ho letto sul giornale che il tasso di povertà negli Stati Uniti è cresciuto.
Listen to Italian Sentence:avere to have [Show Details] |
leggere to read [Show Details] |
sul on the [Show Details] |
giornale m. (Pl: giornali) newspaper [Show Details] |
che 1. who 2. what 3. which 4. that 5. than 6. and 7. how Here: that [Show Details] |
il the (masculine singular) [Show Details] |
tasso m. (Pl: tassi) 1. badger (animal) 2. rate Here: rate [Show Details] |
di of, from, about, than, to, with, by [Show Details] |
povertà f. (Pl: -) poverty [Show Details] |
negli in the (in + gli) [Show Details] |
Stati Uniti United States [Show Details] |
è 1. is 2. (you) are (formal) Here: is [Show Details] |
crescere to increase, to grow, to rise [Show Details] |
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