Items not being reviewed  by malaili2   18. Apr 2014

I opened a list 2-9e, and began to review the words, since I hadn't reviewed them for a couple of hours.

I was only able to review 5 items, before being told there were no more words in the loop or the que.

How is that possible? I never mark a word in queue more than one hour. When I looked up the words, it said they were last due 2 and 3 hours ago respectively, so each word should have been able to be reviewed.

Lastly, I can't figure out how to determine when a word in the loop is scheduled for review. I am sure you told me once before, but I have forgotten.

If I am doing or not doing something, please let me know.
malaili2   18. Apr 2014

In my list 2-9f, there is a word 却, that continually gives me trouble, and I always hit the loop button, because I just can't remember the meaning or how to write it, so I would think, that it would repeat itself until I mark it with a time, but I get the message, there are no words in the loop or the queue, try again later. How is that possible?
malaili2   18. Apr 2014

I waited for a little while, maybe 15 minutes, and began reviewing again, a few words were in the loop, including 却, I reviewed these and after a few tries, hit the 1 hour button for all the words except 却, which I continued to hit the loop button, and once again after a few reviews, I got the same notification; no words in the loop or the que.

Is this by design?
oliver   18. Apr 2014

This was a known bug which happened when the loop shrunk to under 3 words. But I've fixed it now!
malaili2   20. Apr 2014


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