Help with Korean Name Meaning  by nutz23   31. Oct 2018

Hello, I'm searching for someone to help me learn the meaning of my husbands Korean name. (Tae Wan)태완

Can anyone help me? We recently found out we are expecting our first baby boy and would like to past down the name.

We know Tae can mean "Great". But dont know what "Wan" means or the combination of "Tae-Wan".

Thank you soo much!
Robbie727   13. Mar 2019

Do you know the Chinese characters that represent his name?
I expect you are right about 태 meaning "great" or "very"
태완 (太緩) could have a number of meanings, including "very relaxed", but my guess is that 緩 is not the character his parents used to name him unless they had difficulty conceiving or had him late in life and named him "very delayed"
Robbie727   13. Mar 2019

태 has many other possibilities besides "great," (swift, calm, perfect, rare, high so hopefully you can track the Hanmun (hanja) characters that represent his name.
완 is found in words that mean complete, fullness, enjoyment, appreciation, perfection, accomplishment, success, so in the future you may have to address him as "High Perfect One." He would probably like that.

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