Question about a Greek sentence  by MorrisEigi   17. Sept 2016

My Greek sentence today was: Τα γενέθλιά μου είναι τον Απρίλιο.

Shouldn't it start with "Το" instead of "Τα"?

"Τα" indicates neuter plural. Is "birthday" a plural word in Greek and if so, then why?
fred1   29. Jan 2017

Hi. Although nobody can say with certainty why some singular English words are neuter plural in Greek (τα γενέθλια - τα Χριστούγεννα - τα Θεοφάνια), it seems that the naming of festivals was influenced by the Roman use of the plural (Saturnalia - Lemuria - Parentalia), possibly because the festivals lasted several days.
Brucenator   1. Feb 2017

This is true of many different languages.

For example, in English: a pair (singular) of glasses (plural) is generally just referred to as "glasses" (plural).

But in Dutch, for example, this is always singular: een bril.

'Glasses' (plural in English) are 'een bril' (singular in Dutch).

Ik moet een bril gaan dragen = I've got to start wearing glasses

You really just have to learn the differences, instead of trying to apply the grammar of the target language to English grammar.

But if you're interested in how words take form, you should take a look at how the days of the week were named. From the Roman calendar via Norse mythology to Old English and into Modern English.

Most people would never guess that the days of the week are all named after what the ancient's considered the seven planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn (all visible to the naked eye). And yet, this is the basis of our seven day week!

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