Unwanted changes  by LisaG   8. May 2015

Is anyone else having problems with the new changes to the website? Everything keeps disappearing, I'm guessing in an effort to make the website look more "simple." They recently took off the related words and example sentences section that shows after each flash card. This is where I got all of my new vocabulary words from and was really helpful.... I do not understand the reasoning behind takin this away. I also do not like how the sidebar disappears when I use the flashcards because sometimes I like looking up words real quickly and am now unable to do so... I also do not like how they simplified the buttons to show again and show again in one day. I like how they used to have all of the options immediately available. I cannot use the shortcuts because I do all of my work on an ipad so this requires I take an additional step and slows everything down. I do not know what to do... this website was so great for me and now everything that I liked keeps disappearing
oliver  Superman Site Supporter   8. May 2015

It's all customisable. In fact I've changed your account to reflect your preferences.

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