Have you though about adding short stories or poems?  by duchessmaeve92   23. Jan 2010

I've been using German-flashcards for a while now, and it's been really great. I love it. :) But I think the value would greatly increase if you added short stories or poems. It couldn't be that hard right? After all stories are made up of sentences right? ;)
I have "The Three Little Pigs" in German with English text and it's been so helpful! I've found it much easier to remember how to say things when there's a story attached. My sister has got it almost completely memorized and I'm working on it too. I've searched around and found a few other stories read out loud in German, but they never include the text and my German isn't good enough to learn it without text. So I thought maybe Flashcards could do it? :)
Anyways Ill still love this site either way. Cheers ~duchessmaeve

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