Swedish Word: kosta

English Meaning: to cost

Word Forms: kostade, kostande, kostar, kostat, koste, kosten

Example Sentences:

Vad kostar det?
How much does it cost?
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Den här pizzan kostar 5 euro.
This pizza costs 5 Euro.
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Kriget i Irak har kostat många människor livet.
The war in Iraq cost many people's lives.
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Jag skulle vilja ha ett rum för natten, hur mycket kostar det?
I'd like a room for tonight, how much is it?
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Hur mycket kostar det att bli medlem?
How much does it cost to become a member?
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Det kostar 500 euro i veckan att hyra den här stugan.
The rent for this cottage is 500 euros per week.
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Den här brutala terrorhandlingen kostade många människoliv.
This brutal act of terrorism cost many people's lives.
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