English Sentence:

The sudden rise in share prices has surprised economists.

Swedish Translation:

Den plötsliga prisuppgången på aktier har överraskat ekonomerna.

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Words used:


the, it (nouns ending with -en)

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ett pris   (SD: priset, PI: priser, PD: priserna)

1. prize 2. price, cost

Here: price, cost

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en uppgång   (SD: uppgången, PI: uppgångar, PD: uppgångarna)

1. rise (noun) 2. an entrance with stairs

Here: rise (noun)

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on, to, at, for, of, in

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en aktie   (SD: aktien, PI: aktier, PD: aktierna)

a share (finance)

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to have

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to surprise

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en ekonom   (SD: ekonomen, PI: ekonomer, PD: ekonomerna)


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