Italian Word: per
English Meaning: 1. in order that 2. times (math multiplication) 3. per 4. to 5. by (math division) 6. as 7. for 8. along
German Meaning: damit, für

Example Sentences:

Il dottore usa lo stetoscopio per ascoltare il battito del cuore.
The doctor uses the stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat.
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Grazie per il favore.
Thank you for the favour.
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Hanno pagato un assassino per uccidere il presidente.
They paid an assassin to kill the president.
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Grazie mille per il tuo aiuto.
Thanks a lot for your help.
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Mi sono trasferita in Italia per imparare la lingua italiana.
I moved to Italy to learn the Italian language.
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Il prete celebrò la Messa e pregò per i poveri.
The priest celebrated Mass and prayed for the poor.
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Congratulazioni per i tuoi risultati!
Congratulations on your achievements!
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