French Word: fruit m.
Plural: fruits
English Meaning: fruit
German Meaning: Frucht
Spanish Meaning: la fruta
Italian Meaning: frutto

Example Sentences:

J'irai au marché pour acheter du pain et des fruits.
I will go to the market to buy bread and fruit.
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J'aime les fruits, surtout les pommes et les poires.
I like fruit, especially apples and pears.
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Pourriez-vous acheter des fruits et des légumes ?
Could you buy fruits and vegetables?
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Ce fruit est-il mûr ?
Is this fruit ripe?
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Les renards ont une alimentation très variée, avec des fruits, des souris, des oiseaux, des insectes et des écureuils.
Foxes eat a wide variety of foods, such as fruits, mice, birds, insects and squirrels.
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J'aime les fruits rouges, surtout les fraises.
I love berries, especially strawberries.
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