French Word: trop
English Meaning: too, too much
German Meaning: zu viel

Example Sentences:

Tu conduis trop vite !
You drive too fast!
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Attention ! Ce café est trop chaud pour le boire.
Be careful! The coffee is too hot to drink.
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Peux-tu me recommander un restaurant pas trop loin ?
Can you recommend a restaurant nearby?
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Il travaille trop.
He works too much.
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Ne t'approche pas trop, le cygne peut te mordre.
Do not come too close, the swan can bite you.
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Il passe trop de temps à dormir au lieu de travailler.
He spends too much time sleeping instead of working.
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J'espérais la voir à son travail mais il était trop tard, elle était partie.
I was hoping to see her at her work, but it was too late, she was gone.
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