Die meubelen zijn splinternieuw en mijn kat heeft er al krassen op gemaakt.
English Translation:That furniture is brand new, and my cat has already scratched it.
Listen to English Sentence:that /ðæt/ dat [Show Details] |
furniture /ˈfɜːnɪtʃə/ meubel [Show Details] |
is /ɪz/ is [Show Details] |
brand new /brænd njuː/ splinternieuw [Show Details] |
and /ænd/ /ənd/ en [Show Details] |
my /maɪ/ mijn [Show Details] |
cat (Pl: cats) /kæt/ kat [Show Details] |
has /hæz/ heeft [Show Details] |
already /ɔːlˈredɪ/ al [Show Details] |
scratch (Pl: scratches) /skrætʃ/ 1. krassen, krabben 2. kras, schram Here: krassen, krabben [Show Details] |
it /ɪt/ 1. het 2. dat Here: het [Show Details] |
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