Dutch Grammar Personal pronouns - to be and to have

Learning grammar with more or less comprehensive bits and pieces is tougher than going through more playful text. Well, good luck!

One of the basic elements of conversation is speaking about yourself or to or about other persons while using 'to be', 'zijn' or to have, 'hebben'. This goes as follows:

I am, haveyou arehe/she/it iswe areyou arethey are
Ik benjij/u benthij/zij/het iswij zijnjullie zijnzij zijn
Ik hebjij hebthij/zij/het/u heeftwij hebbenjullie hebbenzij hebben

Most of these pronouns jij, zij, wij and again zij, have slightly more colloquial forms je, ze, we, ze. The forms are largely interchangeable, but if stressed, it will be ik, jij, hij, zij, dat, wij, jullie, zij, and all with accent.

Let us try: 'I am happy'= 'ik ben gelukkig'; 'how old are you' = 'hoe oud ben je; what time is it = 'hoe laat is het'; 'we are not yet ready' = ' we zijn nog niet klaar'; 'Jan and Janet, are you satisfied' = Jan en Janet, zijn jullie tevreden'; 'they are hardly convinced' = 'zij zijn nauwelijks overtuigd'; 'what a luck I had' = 'wat een geluk heb ik gehad'; 'you are still young' = 'je bent nog jong'; 'we still have time to finish this job' = we hebben nog genoeg tijd om dit werk af te maken'; careful: 'are you hungry?' = 'hebben jullie honger?'; 'they were right in the end' = 'zij hebben uiteindelijk gelijk gehad'.

In another blog post on social intercourse the subtle difference between 'jij' and 'u' has been explained. Usually you say 'jij' to family, friends and youngsters, and 'u' to older people. Note that 'u' plural is identical with 'u' singular, and that 'u' goes along with the second person for 'to be' and the third person for 'to have'.

There are basically four cases, 'naamvallen', simply indicated as first, second, third and fourth: 'eerste, tweede, derde en vierde naamval'. 'All above examples are in the nominative' = 'alle bovengenoemde voorbeelden zijn in de eerste naamval'. Tweede naamval: mijn, jouw, zijn, haar, ons/onze, jullie, hun; derde naamval: mij, jou, hem/haar/het, ons, jullie, hun; vierde naamval (accusative, much the same as the dative): mij, jou, hem/haar/het, ons, jullie, hen. Here are some examples. Note word order!

'This is my book' = 'dit is mijn boek'; ' did you finish your homewerk? ' = 'heb je je (jouw) huiswerk af?'; 'she has forgotten her umbrella' = 'zij heeft haar paraplui vergeten'; hello friends, your timing is perfect' = 'hallo vrienden, jullie timing is perfect'; 'this car is ours' = 'deze auto is van ons'; 'their results were good' = 'hun resultaten waren goed'; 'we like her more than him' = 'we vinden haar aardiger dan hem'; dear boss, may I congratulate you and hand over our present' = 'beste chef, mag ik u feliciteren en u ons geschenk overhandigen'.