Chinese Traditional: 機長
Chinese Simplified: 机长
Pinyin: ji1 zhang3
Zhuyin: ㄐㄧ ㄓㄤˇ
English Meaning: captain (airplane)
German Meaning: Kapitän (Flugzeug)
Classifier: (wei4) or (ming2)

Example Sentences:

ji1 zhang3 xin1 zang4 bing4 fa1 zuo4 shi2 yin3 qi3 yi2 zhen4 kong3 huang1.
Panic broke out when the captain had a heart attack.
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Related Words:


1. machine, engine 2. opportunity 3. aircraft, airplane 4. organic 5. pivot, crucial point 6. alert, flexible, quick-witted 7. intention

Here: aircraft, airplane

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1. to grow, to develop 2. chief, head 3. elder

Here: chief, head

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