Chinese Traditional: 場合
Chinese Simplified: 场合
Pinyin: chang3 he2
Zhuyin: ㄔㄤˇ ㄏㄜˊ
English Meaning: situation, occasion
German Meaning: Situation, Gelegenheit, Umstand
Spanish Meaning: la ocasión, la circunstancia, la situación
Classifier: (shi4) or (zhong3)

Example Sentences:

除非在特殊場合, 她從不化妝。
除非在特殊场合, 她从不化妆。
chu2 fei1 zai4 te4 shu1 chang3 he2, ta1 cong2 bu4 hua4 zhuang1.
She never wears make-up, except for special occasions.
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Related Words:



1. open space, field 2. (a measure word for events, happenings, sports, wars, exams) 3. spell, period, episode 4. scene, stage

Here: open space, field

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1. to combine, to join, to unite 2. (formal) proper, appropriate 3. round (in battle, games) 4. to suit, to fit 5. to agree with

Here: to combine, to join, to unite

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