Chinese Traditional: 包包
Chinese Simplified: 包包
Pinyin: bao1 bao1
Zhuyin: ㄅㄠ ㄅㄠ
English Meaning: bag (handbag, rucksack)
Classifier: (ge5)

Example Sentences:

ta1 fa1 xian4 bao1 bao1 de5 la1 lian4 shi4 kai1 de5.
She found out that her bag's zip was open.
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Related Words:



1. to wrap up, to cover 2. pack, packet, bag 3. bun 4. to undertake 5. to include 6. to contract 7. package, wrapper, container 8. to hold or embrace 9. Bao (Chinese surname)

Here: pack, packet, bag

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