Swedish Word: en person
Singular (Definite): personen
Plural (Indefinite): personer
Plural (Definite): personerna

English Meaning: person, figure

Example Sentences:

Idag bekräftade polisen att 30 personer dödats i en bilbombsattack.
Today police confirmed that 30 people were killed in a car bomb attack.
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Bara några få personer talar det här språket.
Only a few people can speak this language.
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Jag är aupair åt en familj på fyra personer.
I'm an au pair for a family of four.
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Rökning skadar allvarligt dig själv och personer i din omgivning.
Smoking seriously harms you and others around you.
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Han är den modigaste person jag någonsin mött.
He is the most courageous person I've ever met.
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I Frankrike har minst 19 personer dött i översvämningar.
In France, at least 19 people have died in floods.
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Hon var en viktig person i mitt liv.
She was an important person in my life.
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