Portuguese Word: famoso m.
Feminine: famosa
Plural: famosos
Plural (Feminine): famosas
English Meaning: famous

Example Sentences:

As pirâmides do Egito são famosas no mundo todo.
The pyramids in Egypt are world famous.
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Muitas vezes me pergunto se algum dia serei famoso.
I often wonder, whether I will be famous one day.
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O Hyde Park é o parque mais famoso de Londres.
Hyde Park is the most famous park in London.
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Tower Bridge é uma ponte famosa sobre o Rio Tâmisa.
Tower Bridge is a famous bridge across the River Thames.
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Berlim é famosa por sua vida noturna
Berlin is famous for its nightlife.
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Moro na rua atrás da cervejaria antiga famosa.
I live on the street behind the famous old brewery.
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Mônaco é famoso por ser um paraíso fiscal.
Monaco is famous as a tax haven.
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