Grammar Notes: В тот день шел дождь, и мы чуть было не отправились домой, но вместо этого решили пройтись еще немного и наткнулись на эту двойную радугу в Камдене, Лондон. 1. В тот день – "on that day" - в (prep.) – "in, on" - тот (pronoun) – "that" - день (noun, masc.) – "day" - The phrase "в тот день" means "on that day," where "в" is used with the prepositional case to indicate time (day). 2. шел дождь – "it was raining" - шел (verb, past tense of идти, infinitive: "to go") – "was going" - дождь (noun, masc.) – "rain" - In Russian, "шел дождь" is an expression meaning "it was raining" (literally: "rain was going"). 3. и – "and" - и (conjunction) – "and" (used to connect clauses) 4. мы – "we" - мы (pronoun) – "we" 5. чуть было не – "almost" - чуть (adv.) – "slightly, a little" - было (verb, past tense of быть, infinitive: "to be") – "was" (used here in past tense for impersonal expression) - не (particle) – "not" (negation) - "чуть было не" is an idiomatic expression meaning "almost did something." 6. отправились – "we left" - отправиться (verb, infinitive) – "to leave, to set off" - отправились (verb, past tense, plural) – "we left" 7. домой – "home" - домой (adv.) – "home" (motion towards home) 8. но – "but" - но (conjunction) – "but" 9. вместо этого – "instead of this" - вместо (prep.) – "instead of" - этого (pronoun, genitive case of этот) – "this" 10. решили – "we decided" - решить (verb, infinitive) – "to decide" - решили (verb, past tense, plural) – "we decided" 11. пройтись – "to take a walk" - пройтись (verb, infinitive) – "to take a walk" - The reflexive form emphasizes the action of walking. 12. еще – "more" - еще (adv.) – "more" 13. немного – "a little" - немного (adv.) – "a little" 14. и – "and" (repeated) 15. наткнулись – "we stumbled upon" - наткнуться (verb, infinitive) – "to stumble upon, to run into" - наткнулись (verb, past tense, plural) – "we stumbled upon" 16. на – "on" - на (prep.) – "on" (used here with accusative to show direction towards something) 17. эту – "this" (accusative, feminine) - этот (pronoun) – "this" - эту (feminine accusative form of этот) – "this" (modifying "радугу") 18. двойную – "double" (accusative, feminine) - двойной (adj.) – "double" - двойную (feminine accusative form of двойной) – "double" (modifying "радугу") 19. радугу – "rainbow" (accusative, feminine) - радуга (noun, fem.) – "rainbow" - радугу (accusative case) – "rainbow" (direct object) 20. в – "in" - в (prep.) – "in" (used with accusative case here) 21. Камдене – "Camden" (locative case) - Камден (noun, proper) – "Camden" - Камдене (locative case) – "in Camden" (place where action occurs) 22. Лондон – "London" - Лондон (noun, proper, masculine) – "London" ### General Grammar Tip: In Russian, the choice of cases is essential to show the relationship between words. For example, when referring to places with "в" (in), the prepositional case is used for static location (e.g., "в Камдене" – "in Camden"), while the accusative case is used when there's movement towards something (e.g., "на радугу" – "towards the rainbow"). ### Related Words: - дождь (rain) – осадки (precipitation), дождик (drizzle) - отправиться (to leave) – уехать (to leave, by vehicle), покинуть (to abandon) - решить (to decide) – выбрать (to choose), определить (to determine) - пройтись (to walk) – погулять (to stroll), идти (to go) |
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