Italian Word: mal di pancia m.
English Meaning: bellyache, stomach pain
German Meaning: Bauchschmerzen

Example Sentences:

I semi di finocchio sono ottimi contro il mal di pancia.
Fennel seeds are good against stomach ache.
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Ho mal di pancia perché ho mangiato troppi cioccolatini.
I have a stomach ache because I ate too many chocolates.
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Quando mio figlio ha mal di pancia può piangere tutta la notte!
When my son has a bellyache he can cry all night long!
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Quando ho mal di pancia, mi preparo sempre una borsa di acqua calda.
When I've got stomach ache, I always make myself a hot water bottle.
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Related Words:


of, from, about, than, to, with, by

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pancia f.

abdomen, belly

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