Italian Word: cosa f.
Plural: cose
English Meaning: thing
German Meaning: 1. Sache 2. was

Example Sentences:

Non mi piace ripetere la stessa cosa due volte.
I don't like to repeat the same thing twice.
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Nessuna sa cosa gli sia successo.
Nobody knows what happened to him.
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Cosa indossi sotto quel maglione?
What are you wearing under that sweater?
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Sembra interessante. Di cosa parla?
Sounds interesting. What is it about?
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Sono molto smemorato, così ieri ho fatto una lista di cose da fare e oggi ho dimenticato la lista!
I'm very forgetful, so yesterday I made a list of things to do, but today I forgot the list!
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La gelosia può fare brutte cose.
Jealousy can make you do bad things.
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Che cosa proponi?
What do you suggest?
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