German Word: an
English Meaning: 1. at 2. to 3. on 4. by 5. in 6. of

Example Sentences:

Sie denkt, dass jeder der an Gott glaubt, abergläubisch ist.
She thinks that anybody who believes in God is superstitious.
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Man gewöhnt sich an alles.
One can get used to anything. (One can live with anything.)
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Ich verstehe nicht was sie an ihm findet.
I don't understand what she sees in him.
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Er leidet an einer seltenen Krankheit.
He suffers from a rare disease.
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Er hat sich an der Hand verletzt.
He hurt his hand.
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Er schrieb einen langen Brief an seine Frau.
He wrote a long letter to his wife.
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Kannst du dich noch an mich erinnern?
Can you still remember me?
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