Graues Haar (Joke) Grey Hair [Show] Das neue iPhone (Dialog) The new iPhone [Show] Ich bin der Boss! (Joke) I'm the boss! [Show] Die schöne Ehefrau (Joke) The beautiful wife [Show] Spanien gegen Deutschland (Dialog) Spain vs. Germany [Show] Weltmeisterschaft (Dialog) World Cup [Show] Erderwärmung (Encyclopedia) Global warming [Show] Die gestohlene Kreditkarte (Joke) The stolen credit card [Show] Das neue thailändische Restaurant (Dialog) The new Thai restaurant [Show] Das zweite Baby (Dialog) The second baby [Show] Zurück in die Stadt (Dialog) Back to the city [Show] Wo meine Frau ist (Joke) Where my wife is [Show] Das neue Computerspiel (Dialog) The new computer game [Show] Besser schlafen (Dialog) Sleep better [Show] Der Unfall (Dialog) The accident [Show] Du musst nicht weinen! (Joke) Don't need to cry [Show] Zwei Studenten (Dialog) Two students [Show] Autokauf (Dialog) Buying a car [Show] Der Angeklagte (Joke) The Defendant [Show] Wie man Zeit spart (Dialog) How to save time [Show] Die falsche Telefonnummer (Dialog) The wrong telephone number [Show] Berühmte Stotterer (Dialog) Famous Stutterer [Show] Die neue Masche (Dialog) The new scam [Show] Eintrittskarten (Dialog) Tickets [Show] Südostasien (Dialog) Southeast Asia [Show] Der gruselige Film (Dialog) The scary movie [Show] Zuviel Schnee (Dialog) Too much snow [Show] Die Tochter (Joke) The daughter [Show] Irish road bowling (Dialog) Irish road bowling [Show] Ein Irrtum (Joke) A mistake [Show] Einen Brief verschicken (Dialog) Posting a letter [Show] Zeitreisen (Dialog) Time Travels [Show] Einchecken in ein Hotel (Dialog) Checking into a hotel [Show] Thunfisch Sandwich (Dialog) Tuna Sandwich [Show] Warte bitte eine Sekunde (Joke) Please wait a second [Show] Der Dialogschreiber (Dialog) The dialog writer [Show] Der sprechende Hund (Dialog) The talking dog [Show] Der Große Brand von London (Dialog) The Great Fire of London [Show] Apfelkerne die einen schlau machen (Joke) Apple seeds that make you smart [Show] Neujahrsvorsätze (Dialog) New Year's resolutions [Show] |