French Word: sa
English Meaning: his, her
German Meaning: sein, ihr

Example Sentences:

Je ne comprends pas sa réaction.
I do not understand his reaction.
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Sa mère est une artiste.
Her mother is an artist.
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Sa mère lui a offert un cheval pour son anniversaire.
Her mother bought her a horse for her birthday.
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Sa poule a eu un petit poussin la semaine dernière.
His hen had a little chick last week.
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Il a dit à sa maîtresse qu'elle ressemblait à un crapaud et il a été puni.
He told his teacher she looked like a toad and was punished.
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Elle tient le papier dans sa main.
She's holding the paper in her hand.
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Le jeune homme a rendu hommage à sa mère.
The young man paid tribute to his mother.
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