Le cher psychiatre (Joke) The expensive psychiatrist [Show] Dépressions (Dialog) Depressions [Show] Vacances à Ténérife (Dialog) Tenerife holiday [Show] Le rêveur (Dialog) The dreamer [Show] Projets de vacances (Dialog) Holiday plans [Show] L'enterrement (Dialog) The funeral [Show] Es-tu partie en vacances ? (Dialog) Have you been on holiday? [Show] Surpoids (Dialog) Overweight [Show] Le safari (Dialog) The safari [Show] Voyage à Londres (Dialog) The London trip [Show] La vieille dame (Joke) The old lady [Show] Trop de neige (Dialog) Too much snow [Show] Une question philosophique (Dialog) A philosophical question [Show] Facebook (Dialog) Facebook [Show] Les puces (Dialog) Fleas [Show] Le thé (Dialog) Tea [Show] Maladie (Dialog) Sick [Show] Poster une lettre (Dialog) Posting a letter [Show] Le nouvel iPhone (Dialog) The new iPhone [Show] Les cheveux gris (Joke) Grey Hair [Show] La belle femme (Joke) The beautiful wife [Show] L'Espagne contre l'Allemagne (Dialog) Spain vs. Germany [Show] Je suis le patron ! (Joke) I'm the boss! [Show] A la fête foraine (Dialog) At the funfair [Show] Deuxième bébé (Dialog) The second baby [Show] Une bègue célèbre (Dialog) Famous Stutterer [Show] Les billets (Dialog) Tickets [Show] De retour en ville (Dialog) Back to the city [Show] Un meilleur sommeil (Dialog) Better sleep [Show] Le Cambodge (Dialog) Cambodia [Show] Le Nouvel An (Dialog) The New Year [Show] La carte de crédit volée (Joke) The stolen credit card [Show] Asie du sud-est (Dialog) Southeast Asia [Show] L'accident (Dialog) The accident [Show] Acheter une voiture (Dialog) Buying a car [Show] Deux étudiants (Dialog) Two students [Show] Comment gagner du temps (Dialog) How to save time [Show] Voyage dans le temps (Dialog) Time Travel [Show] Le film d'épouvante (Dialog) The scary movie [Show] L'enregistrement à l'hôtel (Dialog) Checking into a hotel [Show] |