Une jeune vie gâchée (Dialog) A wasted young life [Show] Visite chez le médecin (Dialog) A doctor's visit [Show] Coupe du Monde (Dialog) World Cup [Show] Le derrière qui ronfle (Joke) The snoring butt [Show] Problèmes informatiques (Dialog) Computer problems [Show] Le sucre, ce n'est pas bon (Dialog) Sugar is not good [Show] Trop cher (Dialog) Too expensive [Show] Berlin (Dialog) Berlin [Show] Excès de cholestérol (Dialog) High cholesterol [Show] Le cadeau de papa (Dialog) Dad's gift [Show] Thé à la menthe (Dialog) Peppermint tea [Show] L'horrible film (Dialog) The horrible movie [Show] Dents de Sagesse (Dialog) Wisdom Teeth [Show] L'appendicite (Dialog) Appendicitis [Show] Le match (Dialog) The match [Show] L'athée (Joke) The atheist [Show] Le Plombier (Dialog) The Plumber [Show] Osama (Dialog) Osama [Show] Ça fait mal partout (Joke) It hurts everywhere [Show] Eddie Murphy (Dialog) Eddie Murphy [Show] Le bruyant ordinateur (Dialog) The noisy computer [Show] Une bonne action (Joke) A good deed [Show] La chasse aux grenouilles (Dialog) Frog hunting [Show] Vacances de Noël (Dialog) Christmas break [Show] Veux-tu m'épouser ? (Dialog) Will you marry me? [Show] Chaque année, il perd la tête (Joke) Every year he goes mad [Show] La séparation (Dialog) Breaking Up [Show] Recherche d'un appartement (Dialog) Looking for a flat [Show] Comment rester marié (Joke) How to stay married [Show] Le nouvel emploi (Dialog) The new job [Show] La fête techno (Dialog) The techno party [Show] Le gâteau au chocolat (Dialog) Chocolate cake [Show] Regarder un vieux film (Dialog) Watching an old movie [Show] Puis-je vous offrir un verre ? (Joke) Can I buy you a drink? [Show] Le tremblement de terre (Dialog) The earthquake [Show] Grossesse (Dialog) Pregnancy [Show] Je suis Napoléon ! (Joke) I am Napoleon! [Show] Ténérife (Dialog) Tenerife [Show] Cinq étoiles (Joke) Five stars [Show] Un chien intelligent (Joke) A smart dog [Show] |