L'important appel téléphonique (Dialog) The important telephone call [Show] La blessure à la cheville (Dialog) The ankle injury [Show] Une vie au Portugal (Dialog) A life in Portugal [Show] L'entretien d'embauche (Dialog) The job interview [Show] Le chien qui parle (Dialog) The talking dog [Show] Irish road bowling (Dialog) Irish road bowling [Show] La nouvelle arnaque (Dialog) The new scam [Show] 10 choses qui rendent plus gai (Other Texts) 10 things that make you happier [Show] L'art de la cuisine (Dialog) The art of cooking [Show] Le faux numéro de téléphone (Dialog) The wrong telephone number [Show] Barcelone (Dialog) Barcelona [Show] Le nouveau jeu vidéo (Dialog) The new computer game [Show] Voyage à Paris (Dialog) The trip to Paris [Show] Le nouveau restaurant thaïlandais (Dialog) The new Thai restaurant [Show] Gagner de l'argent en ligne (Dialog) Make money online [Show] Le changement de sexe (Dialog) The sex change [Show] Chez le médecin ORL (Dialog) At the ENT doctor [Show] L'agent de police (Dialog) The police officer [Show] Déménagement aux Bermudes (Dialog) Move to the Bermudas [Show] Badminton (Dialog) Badminton [Show] Nourriture jamaïquaine (Dialog) Jamaican food [Show] Chiens errants (Dialog) Stray dogs [Show] Les Beatles (Dialog) The Beatles [Show] L'escroquerie (Dialog) The scam [Show] Musique classique (Dialog) Classical Music [Show] Le maître-nageur sauveteur (Dialog) The Lifeguard [Show] Le nouveau hobby (Dialog) The new hobby [Show] Diabète (Dialog) Diabetes [Show] Le meilleur ami (Dialog) The best friend [Show] Le cambriolage (Dialog) The burglary [Show] Ordre inverse (Dialog) Reverse Order [Show] Les hasards de la vie (Dialog) The randomness of life [Show] La fête d'anniversaire (Dialog) The birthday party [Show] Changements soudains (Dialog) Sudden changes [Show] Effrayé par les gâteaux (Joke) Scared of cakes [Show] L'enterrement (Dialog) The funeral [Show] Sushi (Dialog) Sushi [Show] La grenouille et le médium (Joke) The frog and the psychic [Show] Au tribunal (Joke) At court [Show] Le concert (Dialog) The concert [Show] |