Dutch Word: drie
English Meaning: three, 3

Word Forms: 3

Example Sentences:

De criminelen hadden in zijn huis ingebroken toen hij drie maanden weg was.
The criminals had broken into his house while he was away for three months.
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Eén plus twee is drie.
One plus two equals three.
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U moet dit medicijn drie keer per dag innemen.
You have to take this medicine three times a day.
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Hij is al drie jaar werkloos.
He has been unemployed for three years.
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Ik kan je er drie procent korting op geven.
I can give you three per cent discount on it.
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Ik heb het hem drie keer gevraagd, maar hij gaf geen antwoord.
I have asked him three times, but he didn't answer.
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De werkprestatie van elk personeelslid wordt drie keer per jaar beoordeeld.
Three times a year the work performance of every employee is reviewed.
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